Meet the Team, Follow Progress and Enjoy the Ride

This blog is about the lives of a few entrepreneurs who are aiming to establish the next trend in social networking and the concept that will make it happen. Since our venture is all about connecting people together, we want to be involved and connected to you and we want you to be involved and connected to us. We'll be sharing with you: who we are, how we got started, how we’re doing and where we’re going...we're taking you along for the ride!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Weekly Recap and All the Stuff I Missed

A/C is Fixed: Let me start with that, in case, any of you were really concerned about the nightmare that has been for me. I still have the holes in the wall and ceiling…but it’s nice and cool in the house. The new A/C system is much more quiet and efficient.

Mr. Boogey Boo: He’s still alive. I haven’t called any vets yet, but my roommate has agreed to take him to the vet once I’ve found one.

I failed to mention a few big things that happened this week. I guess my head was too much in blogging about my personal stuff!!

Web Designer: Last Monday, Martin and I met with a brilliant web designer who can get everything we need for a beta site for Why Go Solo in 6-8 weeks at an unbelievably reasonable price. We were flabbergasted by this guy, his abilities and his prices. We’re keeping him a secret for now!! We predict that he’ll be getting more business then he can possibly handle real soon.

A Call to My Dad: After meeting with Super Web Guy…we needed to come up with some money for the down payment so we could get the ball rolling. I did the one thing I never thought I would do, the one thing I had been avoiding, and the one thing I was scared to death to do. I asked my dad for money. He said “Yes”. I haven’t received the money yet, but will. I was so happy and relieved that he said yes. It would be way too long of a post to explain my relationship with my dad—jus want to point out that only following my dreams gave me to strength to overcome my “issues”.

Down Payment: On Friday the down payment was, well, put down, which means we’ll start working on the development of the beta site TOMORROW!!

Investors: We haven’t heard back from anyone that we’ve contacted, briefed and provided the business plan to. Next week, I’m going to make another round of calls to a few folks, but I also have a new plan for raising the money I want to implement next week. Like I mentioned, I’m tired of being jerked around when we have an option that would end all of that.

Finding the Super Web Guy was like hitting the jackpot…it brings us a lot closer to finally being in business, which is why getting the appropriate funds for the other pieces is absolutely critical.


Unknown said...

Everything happens for a reason, even the crappy things! After all the stress of this past week, good things will come of it, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Bonjour Chère Anna Bernard,

"Chose promise, chose due". Me voilà donc ici pour une petite discussion en français. Et si tu veux, tu peux répondre ici ou sur l'un de mes sites.
Comme le dit Alex, "chaque chose survient en raison d'une cause". Tu vois qu'il est difficile de traduire parce que je m'arrête à la première partie de sa phrase car je comprends mal le mot "crappy", même si j'en suppose le sens

A bientôt

Martin Saenz said...

Regarding the web designer, he is a rare find, rare like 1 out of several hundred designers. As for your father and the loan, more importantly you are reconnecting with your father.

I disagree with your comments on investors "jerking you around". People get very funny when it comes to money. I have to say that most people that have heard our pitch love the idea, but may not have the courage or funds to invest in the project. People do not want confrontation so they avoid, which is why you may not hear from them for a while. These people that we know, care about us and what we are doing regardless of appearances. I believe that.

Anonymous said...

congrats on the downpayment...look foward to seeing the beta!