Meet the Team, Follow Progress and Enjoy the Ride

This blog is about the lives of a few entrepreneurs who are aiming to establish the next trend in social networking and the concept that will make it happen. Since our venture is all about connecting people together, we want to be involved and connected to you and we want you to be involved and connected to us. We'll be sharing with you: who we are, how we got started, how we’re doing and where we’re going...we're taking you along for the ride!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Profits in Partnership

The Profits In Partnership Luncheon is an annual event held to foster networking among representatives from major corporations, government agencies, and minority owned companies. In addition to featuring guest speakers, there is formal recognition of executive education patrons and scholars. This event is hosted by Virginia Tech and organized by Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council.

The guest speaker this year was
Nikki Giovanni, Professor of English and world renowned poet (Check this link out)

Who attends these events?

Executives and Contract Representatives of major corporations and government agencies; owners and marketing executives of minority owned companies, supplier diversity coordinators, and staff of business development organizations.

I’ve attend dozens of these events over the years. Aside from gaining key contacts at major corporations like;
Freddie Mac, BAE Systems, Capital One, Exxon Mobil, Lockheed Martin, Philip Morris, Hilton Hotels, to name a few...I’ve learned that these organizations have a strong need to develop innovative products and services that can help them gain competitive advantages. My experiences has been, that they rely on and seek entrepreneurs' input at these events for this very reason. (After all, who is more innovative than an entrepreneur??) Most of my conversations go as follows:

1) They ask me what my company does
2) They test my knowledge of their company
3) They then bounce ideas off of me or ask for my general feedback
4) Ultimately, the more familiar I am with their organization the deeper the conversation

Sometimes, I forget that it’s not just individual people who seek out other people to create experiences and partnerships but also the bigger and well known corporations. Martin

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