Meet the Team, Follow Progress and Enjoy the Ride

This blog is about the lives of a few entrepreneurs who are aiming to establish the next trend in social networking and the concept that will make it happen. Since our venture is all about connecting people together, we want to be involved and connected to you and we want you to be involved and connected to us. We'll be sharing with you: who we are, how we got started, how we’re doing and where we’re going...we're taking you along for the ride!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Turned 30...and Visit from Dad

My last blog entry was on Wednesday…and that’s because on Thursday I was freakin’ out getting ready for a visit from my dad, who arrived on Friday for my birthday.

I spent a good eight hours on Thursday cleaning while jamming to excellent music recommended by my Pownce friends, who also provided much support and encouragement. Friday morning, I felt like a rock star after receiving some serious love on Pownce in celebration of my birthday. I headed out to the hairdresser’s for a 10:30am appointment, and unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity to respond to all of the wonderful birthday wishes I received or to the birthday stories posted. I do want to take this opportunity to say Thank you…and I read each story!

By the time I returned from the hairdresser’s, my dad was waiting for me. It was wonderful to see him and the best birthday present…it was the first time in my life (that I can remember) that I had this kind of quality time with my father. There have been times when I’ve felt my dad hasn’t been involved enough in my life, so having a few days with him was very important to me.

I had the opportunity to thoroughly explain Why Go Solo to him and give him a crash course in: “What is the Web 2.0”. He met my roommate, my friends and my business partners. I got to hear him say he was proud of me, he believes in me and he knows my big break is right around the corner. He might not understand the web 2.0 or really use the internet, but he understands passion, the strength of a good solid plan and hard work, and the impact the right team of people can make. And since I happen to be his daughter…he also knows how determined, tenacious, driven and capable I am.

I’ve never been one for seeking approval, support or encouragement…however, it sure is nice to get it!!

I had all these huge expectations of what I would have accomplished and be doing by the time I was 30…financial wealth I wanted to have incurred, and I wanted to have reached a certain level of “fame”, that included being able to make a positive impact in the world around me. I haven’t reached those goals (yet), but I am, none the less, very happy and satisfied with my life. I think I was beaming this weekend from happiness and ‘in the now’ satisfaction. I’m following my dreams and I’m surrounded by fabulous people who believe in me and people who I believe in…I couldn’t ask for anything more. Everything is unfolding on its own timeline.

Although I always pictured turning 30 by having a huge birthday bash, my low-key…more intimate dinner with my dad and friends was perfect and more appropriate. However, there IS a big bash somewhere in my near future…the official launch of Why Go Solo will definitely be celebrated amongst lots of friends and free flowing champagne!

Speaking of Why Go Solo, everything is set-up for the development team to begin. The switch in hosting this weekend went rather smoothly and we had a new and splendid addition to the team. I actually need to wrap up this blog entry because I’m behind in posting the user stories to the wiki and I refuse to go to bed tonight until that’s done.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad things went so well for you. It's good to start things off smoothly... and we are on the cusp of something great.

Eh, making it by 30.5 isn't too bad either. ;)

Erik said...

Happy Birthday.

I owe you an email. Things have been crazy lately. Sounds like you're making good progress.